Saturday, May 26, 2018

"He-Man Woman Haters Club"

"I... do solemnly swear to be a he-man and hate women and not play with them or talk to them unless I have to." ~Little Rascals

From a young age ,children know what they want. Girls want to play with dolls and guys want to play with trucks. And under no circumstance do they want to play with each other. This is obviously a general assumption, so there are exceptions. From my experience, I have noticed that the kids I babysit are just drawn to their gender associated toys. Now is this a bad thing? Are we as parents assuming their gender and basing how they act on their gender. The answer is yes. As parents, you respond based on your child's need. If the only way they will stop crying is to give them a blanket, then, by golly, you're gonna give them a blanket. If your little boy gets really happy when you throw him in the air, then you are going to throw him in the air. People think that the parents need to train their kids, but the kids are silently teaching us.
In Little Rascals, the whole movie is about how the boys hate the girls and the girls hate the boys. Darla herself asked, "why are boys such jerks?" The guys invent an entire club to show how much they hate woman. In no way would a parent agree to this sexist club if they were older. They would just assume that their boys are going through a stage that most boys go through at that age. Later in life, they will be infatuated by girls and everything will work out. But how do you suppose a child who doesn't know their gender is going to grow up? When the kid asks the mom "am I a boy or a girl," then the parent responds, "what do you feel like you are sweetie?" Do you see how confusing that could be? How is the child ever going to understand gender if he or she is never taught. It is the parents job to teach their children good from bad, moral values, and yes, their gender. When did we start believing that telling a child what gender they were was inconceivable.
I know this is a very controversial topic, male and female roles are said to be equal. As women, we fought so hard to become equal to our male counterpart. But are we really equal? We were created to be different and possess qualities that are unique compared to males. Can we as woman run as fast as man? Are we able to lift as much as males? Do we have great sense of direction as man? No, our mile times are different, they can lift more, and the have a better directional self. But are males able to pick up on non-verbal cues as well as woman are? Are they able to feel and relate to others as well as woman are? Do males have the natural qualities that woman have to lead? Now these are all generalizations, but hopefully I got the point across. We as males and females will never be equal. We do not possess the same qualities to be equal, but that is not a bad thing. We can use the qualities we have to affect change. 
Now I will leave you with a quote from the Little Rascals. "Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! ~Love Alfalfa

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